Butterfly Kisses and Mommy Hugs

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sweet Sunny Days

Today was such a fun day! James and I took the day off and decided to take Elaina to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach! It was the first time any of us had been there and it was so cool. Elaina was so excited to see the bright colored tropical fish and she got right up close to the glass. She is not timid or scared at all. The only problem was that when it was time to move on to the next attraction she did not want to go back in her stroller. There was also the bird exhibit that she really liked because there are hundreds of beautiful colorful birds flying freely all around you and they literally get within inches of you (some even landed other people). But, I think her most favorite thing at the Aquarium was the play area near the shark lagoon. There is a wooden boat to play in and climb on along with other sea life figures to play and climb on. All the kids there loved the boat and I don't think any of them wanted to leave (go figure)! My favorite attraction had to be the Seals & Sea Lions, they were adorable, hugging and kissing each other swimming right up to the glass and everything! Very cute. We even had lunch there, but, then it was time for Elaina's nap (actually it was passed her nap time and she was getting a little cranky). We bought her a cute t-shirt as a souvenir of trip and then left and walked around for a little while outside so Elaina could fall asleep, which was not very long at all (she was so tired).  I hope we get to go back again soon (next time after Elaina's nap though). 

It was such a beautiful & warm day that when we got home Elaina got to go in the spa with her Papa, one of her favorite things to do. She absolutely loves the water. And James & I went to the movies and saw Transformers 2 (it was a really cool movie). 

It was truly a Sweet Sunny Day & I hope to have many, many more like them! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Love, Patience, & Understanding

Now that Elaina is in her 2nd year of life she is showing signs of the "terrible twos". I use to think that the "terrible twos" started after they turn 2 years old, but that is just not so. I really don't think that it is all that bad though (hoping it doesn't get to much worse). I understand that this is something that all kids and parents go through. All she wants is to be understood, but she does not quite know how to express her wants and needs yet. It helps to remind myself of that and it helps to know I am not alone. What I have learned is the key to getting through this phase in our lives is Love, Patience, and Understanding. I know that my baby needs me to comfort her when she gets frustrated and I try to be there for her, hold her close, and try not to lose my patience. Other times she doesn't want me to hold her at all, so I just let her cry it out. Parenting is certainly not an easy job, that's for sure, But it absolutely worth it.  Nothing brings me as much joy as my baby girl does and when I am in a bad mood, her beautiful smile lifts me up and makes everything better. I know that this to shall pass and I think I will actually miss this time in our lives one day. Someday she will not want to be with me every second of the day and cry to be close to me like she does now. So I will cherish it for as long as I can. :)

Thank God for Love, Patience, and Understanding!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Elaina is 19 months

I can not believe how fast time goes! I know every parent says the same thing, but it is astonishing! Elaina is really growing up so fast and becoming her own little person. She has her own personality and likes and dislikes. She is talking so much these days and she understands even more. She is also going thru some challenging phases too like her "no" phase, throwing toys, and the occasional tantrum. She doesn't quite understand the concept of sharing yet either, but we are working on it. I know that this is just a part of her toddlerhood and that it will pass. I love all of her cute little gestures, like when she says phese (please) or puts her arms up and says hoo hoo! Thinking about those things get me through the work day and put a smile on my face until I get to come home and find her waiting for me. I melt when I walk through the door and she runs into my arms and yells "mama". She gives me the biggest hug and is so excited to see me and I can't help but to kiss her a million times. We really share such a beautiful strong bond, the kind of bond I always dreamed of having with my daughter and hope it only continues to grow stronger as she gets older and that she always feels that she can come to me for anything. I can't imagine my life without her and I feel so blessed to be her Mom. 

      (I love you baby!)