Well, I am sad to say it has been too long since I updated my blog. :( I guess that is what happens when your a busy mama. LOL. Today, However, was a momentous occasion I just have to share, Elaina's first day of preschool. :) My baby is not a baby anymore.
She was super excited to start school, we have been talking to her about the new playground she gets to play at and the new friends she is going to make. I had an incline she was not going to be aprehensive about it anyway, because that would be out of charcter for her. She is a very outgoing little toddler and loves to meet new friends and everything, so I was not surprised that she was not at all nervous or crying (Daddy was the nervous one and Mommy did the crying).
When walked her back to her classroom she told us "Mommy, I like my new sshh-cool". She was so busy checking everything out that the teacher sort of reminded her " aren't you going to say bye-bye to mom and dad?" then she gave us each a big hug and kiss and off we were.
Her first of school went so great. We received a parent's report at the end of the day that said she eat well and slept well and makes friends easily. It mentioned what type activites they did with her and everything which is so great. I could not be more proud of her.
So cute Valerie! I cannot believe she already in preschool!!! Where the heck is the time going?? I miss you guys, hope to see you soon!